Monday, February 17, 2020

Lawyer regulations in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lawyer regulations in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The result of those events has made it necessary for the Saudi legal market to find ways to develop the profession and promote it. One such method was to create a law that discussed professional partnerships, which included all kinds of professions, whether it was lawyers, doctors, or engineers. In an explanatory note for the laws of professional companies, 4 issued by the Bureau of Experts, the Council of Ministers stated: â€Å"the difficulties surrounding individual professionals are many.† As such, it’s better for clients to deal with a group of professionals than to find themselves in front of a team of specialists at a high level of achievement.5 However, the legal profession and lawyer’s regulations in Saudi Arabia have gone through many stages 6 until the law has evolved into in the form that we see today.7 The present Saudi Code of law practice was released under the Royal Decree No. M/38, dated 15 October, 2001, and under the Council of Ministers Resolu tion, No. ... tThe Saudi Code of Law practice, article 10, states: â€Å"a professional partnership for practicing law may be formed by two or more of the lawyers whose names are registered in the list,8 but is subject to the requirements of the professional partnerships law.† The legislature here did not refer to the company law as the law that governs the relationships between partners, but points out the law of professional partnerships. The legislature made the differences very clear by stating that â€Å"it is appropriate to subject professional firms to the provisions of the General Partnership, organized by Title II of the Companies Law, where professional firms are â€Å"civilian companies† in their nature, as working in liberal professions does not make them merchants.† Thus, the differences are obvious between civil companies and commercial companies, either in their formality or substantively standards.9 So, a law firm partnership is governed by the Law of Professio nal Partnership and not the Company Law. Thus, the next topic will be devoted to discussing the Law of Professional Partnerships in regards to the provision of professional partnerships legality. 2. The Saudi law of Professional Partnerships a. General The law of Professional Partnerships considers a partnership between lawyers to be a civil company. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss what a civil company is before covering the partnership legalitypersonality under the Saudi law of Professional Partnerships. b. What is a Civil Company? i. Terminology: The best English translation for a civil company is a â€Å"Professional Partnership.† In French it is known as â€Å"societe civile professionnelle†

Monday, February 3, 2020

Research paper on GMO's Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On GMO's - Research Paper Example This is because more than 80% of the total global food requirements come from plants (WHO, 1987). As a topic, GMO’s not only concerns the fields of biotechnology and genetic engineering but also a topic of economic, political, and social cultural interests. Each of this field has a stake or role to play in adoption of GMO’s. The future of the globe interims of food sustainability depends of effective research of GMO’s. Genetic modification results when there is an alteration in the configuration of genes in the cell of an organism. This alteration can result from delectation of insertion of new genes from the cells of another species. Genes are tiny strands found in the cells of all living organism and they are known to be the carriers DNA. All organisms have unique number of genes and any alteration of the genetic material result in creation of organisms that have different characteristics from those of their parents. The reality on GMO’s was realized in 1975 when the discussion about the new invention was launched at Asilomar conference. The meeting concluded that production of GMO’s should be carried out when scientist have done considerable research on the safety of GMO’s. However, production of GMO’s plants was first carried out in Canada and the US in 1982 when farmers were given genetically modified seeds for experimental purpose. In the recent history, there has been more progress in the production of genetically modified plants than genetically modified animals. Genetic modification can be applied to produce animals that have enhanced capabilities such as resistance to certain disease (Gary, 2005). In addition, genetic modification can result in physical modification of animals. Following the current developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering, there has been concern about economic application of GMO’s. It is obvious that the focus is the growing